Discover, Invent, Change
12 inventions at the University of Tennessee that make life better.
Eyes on LaFollette
Student photojournalism project in small-town Tennessee celebrates 20 years.
Journey of Life and Letters
Jon Manchip White was an author, screenwriter and spy.
A Boost in Energy
Center for Industrial Services helps cities and counties save money
CIS: 50 Years Serving Tennessee Businesses
Since its inception in 1963, the UT Center for Industrial Services (CIS) has helped countless Tennessee manufacturers and other businesses.
Big Orange Buses
UT Knoxville has a brand new fleet of buses that roam its streets.
New Leaders on Campus
New UTC Chancellor Steve Angle welcomes the appointments of Jerald Ainsworth as provost and senior vice chancellor for academic affairs…
Nurses in Parsons
The recently announced expansion of a registered nursing program at UT Martin Parsons Center got another significant boost with a…
Balance of the Heart and Body
UTHSC pharmacology professor Kafait Malik received a $2.8 million NIH grant to research the development of high blood pressure and…
Thinking in Pillars
UT Institute of Agriculture Chancellor Larry Arrington has been doing a lot of listening and evaluating in his first two…
Championship Judges
The 1962 livestock judging national title changed the lives of six students.
What is the Future of Higher Education?
There is a wave of change hitting universities across the country, questioning the purpose and value of higher education.
Teaching Online
Richard Griffin, an accounting professor at UT Martin has been teaching online since 1998.
Earning a Degree Online
Marcus Myers, an IT staff member at UTC, was the first person to sign up for the online UTC Achieve…
What is a MOOC?
Massive Open Online Courses are a hot new platform for delivering education, and they are creating quite a stir in…
Tech Tools
New technologies on campus are helping both students and instructors in the classroom.
Learning Online
It’s midnight on a week night, and campus is eerily quiet. The Strip is nearly empty, and most students have…
Q&A with Gov. Bill Haslam
Gov. Bill Haslam talks about his “Drive to 55” initiative. He says the future of the state and the University…
Q&A with Randy Boyd
Randy Boyd, special advisor on higher education, talks about his role in determining the future. He says getting adults to…
Working at ESPN
[Update] Thirteen UT alumni are employees of the giant sports network. These writers, editors and producers give a glimpse into…