How Does Your Garden Grow?
The ranks of master gardeners continue to grow across Tennessee, spreading horticultural knowledge.
A Tale of Caution
Tragedies of grain bin accidents reinforce safety procedures and rescue training.
Focus on 4-H
Christian-Boyer is among the UT Extension agents now able to focus solely on 4-H and Youth Development, thanks to a…
All-Round Education
Tennessee's 4-H Roundup celebrates a century of service.
Finding Home
From Brazil to Tennessee, UT supports international faculty couple.
Remaining Still
A Revolutionary War veteran’s gravesite remains on land owned by the UT Institute of Agriculture—land that he used to farm…
Whiskey and Trees
Jack Daniels needs specific trees to create its iconic whiskey. UTIA has been there to help ensure the brand can…
A Full Plate
UTIA works to nourish the nation through its involvement with farmers and businesses all while completing research in animal, plant…
Like a Phoenix
Five years after Gatlinburg fires, trees and bears are thriving.
Family Linked to UT Since 1946
An “Everywhere You Look, UT” mural shows pride.
Stress and Agriculture
Not everything is idyllic out on the farm. A new network through UT Extension will offer support.
Serving Those Who Have Served Us
UT Extension’s AgrAbility program helps veterans who choose to farm and as well as farmers who continue farming after debilitating…
All Creatures Great and Small
UT alumnus "Doc" Steven Scott cares for them all.
A Beacon for Youth Education
Jennifer Richards always wanted to teach. Through her work developing 4-H curricula, she has reached thousands in Tennessee and across…
An Officer and a Veterinarian
Growing up, Nathan Chumbler had two passions: a love of animals and a desire to be an Army officer.
Daylilies, Pumpkins and More
The Center for Profitable Agriculture celebrates 20 years of helping makers.
Health Rocks
With the opioid epidemic killing more than 100 people in our nation daily, the UT Institute of Agriculture is fighting…