Advertise With Us

Advertise in Our Tennessee, the one magazine University of Tennessee alumni households have in common.

Our Tennessee is the flagship publication of the University of Tennessee System, including campuses at Knoxville, Chattanooga, Pulaski and Martin; and the UT Health Science Center based in Memphis. Our Tennessee offers advertisers the only opportunity to directly reach the smart, affluent decision makers that comprise the UT alumni community.



Four times a year – winter, spring, summer and fall. Each issue of Our Tennessee includes intriguing feature articles and is commonplace on nightstands and breakfast tables around the country.


University of Tennessee alumni donors. Total: 55,000.

Our Tennessee readership heat map
Where most readers live:
  • Knoxville
  • Chattanooga
  • Nashville
  • Memphis
  • Atlanta

For up to date ad specs and pricing, please email John Lacey at