CIS: 50 Years Serving Tennessee Businesses

Since its inception in 1963, the UT Center for Industrial Services (CIS) has helped countless Tennessee manufacturers and other businesses. Rueben Harris was the first of only four executive directors for CIS. Former Institute for Public Service Vice President Bob Hutchison took Harris to his office in Nashville. There was a desk with a telephone, a yellow legal tablet and a sharpened pencil. Hutchison said, “I have delivered your automobile to you, and this is your office. Now, build a program.” And Harris did. CIS now provides consulting and training assistance to more than 400 manufacturers a year and averages $600 million in customer-reported economic impact annually.


New Vice President

The UT System welcomed a new member this summer with the arrival of Tonjanita Johnson as the vice president of communications and marketing. Johnson comes to Knoxville from the State University of New York at Stony Brook, where she served as chief deputy to the president. This is her return to Tennessee. She worked in marketing and communications at Middle Tennessee State University from 2008-10.


Smokey on the Sidelines

Smokey by Tom Mattingly and Earl HudsonWinning, the color orange and Smokey get Vols fans excited. Smokey, written by Tom Mattingly (Knoxville ’70, ’77) and Earl Hudson (HSC ’50), Smokey’s owner, chronicles UT Knoxville’s beloved mascot from the beginning through the present day and highlights many of the stories along the way. The book is published by UT Press.


Countdown to 100

Tennessee Alumnus 1917-2017

From the archives: In July 1919, plans were put into place to begin the construction on what would become Shields-Watkins Field. Colonel W.S. Shields supplied the initial capital to begin the project. The field was later named after him and his wife, Alice Watkins-Shields.

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