UT Institute of Agriculture

Master Gardener Peter Markovich speaks to Hamilton County Master Gardener interns about the raised beds located next to the UT Extension office in Chattanooga.

How Does Your Garden Grow?

The ranks of master gardeners continue to grow across Tennessee, spreading horticultural knowledge.

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Virginia Pearl Moore, UT Extension's first home demonstration agent.

UT Extension’s Virginia Pearl Moore

UT Extension’s first home demonstration agent, Virginia Pearl Moore, touched the lives of countless young women in Tennessee.

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Growing Communities

Derrick Stowell had no idea his passion for environmental education and therapeutic recreation would launch a world-impacting program.

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UTIA College of Veterinary Medicine Dean Paul J. Plummer.

Alumnus Returns as UTCVM Dean

UT graduate Paul J. Plummer returns to the university as dean of the College of Veterinary Medicine.

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First responders learn about grain bin safety and rescue through a partnership with Tennessee AgrAbility at the West Tennessee AgResearch and Education Center.

A Tale of Caution

Tragedies of grain bin accidents reinforce safety procedures and rescue training.

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Outstanding in Their Fields

UTIA faculty, staff, students and alumni are groundbreakers, collaborators, educators and leaders in the agriculture industry.

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Kids in the Lake County 4-H program fish off a walkway at Reelfoot Lake.

Focus on 4-H

Christian-Boyer is among the UT Extension agents now able to focus solely on 4-H and Youth Development, thanks to a…

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Hongwei Xin

Xin Receives Leggacy Maker Award

Hongwei Xin, Dean of UT AgResearch, was recognized at the 2023 Egg Industry Issues Forum with the Leggacy Maker Award…

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Cupcakes with white, yellow and green icing.

All-Round Education

Tennessee's 4-H Roundup celebrates a century of service.

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Map of North and South America overlayed on top of landscape photo of TN hills.

Finding Home

From Brazil to Tennessee, UT supports international faculty couple.

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Brian Winbigler, president of the UT Alumni Association.

Commitment Through Contribution

Winbigler’s journey from a scholarship-seeking student to an enthusiastic alumni volunteer speaks to his passion for giving back and the…

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Ernest Bernard, center, a professor in the Department of Entomology and Plant Pathology, is the recipient of the UTIA Institute Professor Award, the Institute’s top recognition for faculty. With him are, from left, AgResearch Dean Hongwei Xin; UTIA Senior Vice Chancellor and Senior Vice President Keith Carver; College of Veterinary Medicine Dean Jim Thompson; and UT Extension Dean Ashley Stokes.

UTIA Holds Annual UTIA Awards and Promotion Luncheon

UTIA celebrated the outstanding work of more than 40 members of the faculty and staff at the annual UTIA Awards…

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UTIA Farm Manager Brandon Beavers and Pat Hitson Reilly stand by the grave of Reilly's relative and Revolutionary War veteran James Trice.

Remaining Still

A Revolutionary War veteran’s gravesite remains on land owned by the UT Institute of Agriculture—land that he used to farm…

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Cows grouped together look at the photographer during a demonstration of UT's new robotic milking technology.

Precision Livestock Farming Mooo-ves Forward

East Tennessee AgResearch and Education Center’s Little River Unit introduces new robotic milking technology.

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Jack on the Rocks statue in front of the Cave Spring opening at the Jack Daniel Distillery.

Whiskey and Trees

Jack Daniels needs specific trees to create its iconic whiskey. UTIA has been there to help ensure the brand can…

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Dr. Jim Bailey

In The Heart of Communities

UTHSC Jim Bailey and his team lead the research effort to improve the heart health of Tennesseans, whose state ranks…

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A Fruitful Career

David Lockwood has toiled alongside Tennessee fruit growers for nearly 50 years—its work he was, quite literally, born to do.

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Ivan Navarrette worked to prepare the playing field at Lusail Stadium in Qatar for the World Cup.

No Higher Thing

To a turf grass student, it might seem like there’s no higher career peak than managing the pitches for the…

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Keith Carver Assumes Leadership Role at UTIA

Keith Carver, former chancellor at UT Martin, named the new leader of UTIA.

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Breaking Barriers

Nobody wants to talk about money. But, according to the UT Extension Family and Consumer Sciences team, everybody needs to…

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Sreedhar Upendram (middle) demonstrates using a hot spot for broadband to James Mingie, a research associate, left, and graduate student Amrit Shrestha.

No One-Size Solution

What would life today be like without the internet? For many rural Tennesseans, the experience isn’t one that needs imagination—it’s…

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UT President Randy Boyd reads You Can't Buy a Dinosaur with a Dime to children during a Money Week class about financial literacy. Photo By Sam Thomas

UT Tackles Challenges

The UT System, with its statewide presence, people, expertise, resources and influence, is uniquely positioned to tackle grand challenges.

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Former Tennessee Governors Host a New Podcast Series

The Howard H. Baker Jr. Center for Public Policy launched You Might Be Right, a new podcast series hosted by…

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