UT Institute of Agriculture

Ben Neale and his cattle

The Light on the Hill

Tennessee beef producers see sales rise.

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Assisting in a Crisis

Alumni and donors give to help students impacted by COVID-19.

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Susan Hamilton, David Kirkpatrick and Karen Armsey

UTIA Faculty Receive Recognition for Outstanding Service

Among our celebrated agriculture faculty are Susan Hamilton, David Kirkpatrick and Karen Armsey.

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Two Asian elephants in a middle Tennessee outdoor habitat

All Creatures Great and Small

UT alumnus "Doc" Steven Scott cares for them all.

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Wildlife veterinarian Dan Grove extracts a lymph node from a deer carcass

To Be Different

After 11 moves across nine states, Dan Grove landed his dream veterinarian job.

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A group of four women give a presentation in Knoxville

Alliance of Women Philanthropists Funds Grants Across the UT System

The 2020 grant recipients represent innovations in learning and community partnerships that support the health of Tennesseans young, old and…

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Veterinarians in surgery scrubs and face masks

UTIA to Lead UT System One Health Initiative

The One Health Initiative focuses on research collaborations to address animal and environmental health issues that also may have implications…

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Jennifer Richards

A Beacon for Youth Education

Jennifer Richards always wanted to teach. Through her work developing 4-H curricula, she has reached thousands in Tennessee and across…

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Ag Day Cricket Spittin' Contest participants

Agriculture and Alumni Shine at Ag Day

More than 700 friends and supporters gathered before kickoff of the Tennessee-Georgia football game to celebrate agriculture and honor three…

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Nathan Chumbler at the UT College of Vetrinary Medicine war dog memorial.

An Officer and a Veterinarian

Growing up, Nathan Chumbler had two passions: a love of animals and a desire to be an Army officer.

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historic photos show students at Morgan Hall on the agriculture campus in Knoxville

Department Celebrates a Century of Service

For 100 years, Agricultural and Resource Economics has been assisting agricultural producers and policymakers across the state and nation.

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Chancellor Keith Carver holds a jackhammer in the center of a group of students and alumni representing their Divine Nine fraternities and sororities

Snapshots: Fall 2019

University of Tennessee alumni and students around the state.

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A Rwandan mother and child in the Musanze District.

‘Like a Boss’

Changing lives chicken by chicken in Rwanda.

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Close up of the Dogwood flower

10 Plants That Shaped Tennessee

Natalie Bumgarner and Andy Pulte of the Department of Plant Sciences led a team that sorted through more than 600…

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Dena, Kennedy, Joshua and Ken Oakes

Daylilies, Pumpkins and More

The Center for Profitable Agriculture celebrates 20 years of helping makers.

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4-H campers at Lone Oaks holding fresh eggs

Stepping Up for STEM and 4-H

Summer (and camp) is coming. 4-H camps connect students to agriculture and more.

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Alumni Snapshots: Winter 2019

Tennessee alumni and students around the state.

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Left to right, UT Extension Agent Carrie Joyner, 4-H volunteer C.J. Bryson and Gibson County Sheriff Paul Thomas teach children about illegal and legal substances during Health Rocks. a 4-H program

Health Rocks

With the opioid epidemic killing more than 100 people in our nation daily, the UT Institute of Agriculture is fighting…

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Tennessee Department of Agriculture Commissioner Jai Templeton, Judi Herbert and Jim Herbert

CASNR Transforms to Herbert College of Agriculture

The Herbert College of Agriculture is the third named college in UT history and only the second land-grant agricultural college…

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A young black bear pauses at the base of a tree

Still Roaming

UT continues 50 years of black bear research.

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Morgan Hall on the UTIA campus

Celebrating 50 Years of Service

Throughout 2018, faculty, staff and alumni are celebrating the institute’s golden anniversary.

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Avat Shekoofa

A Growing Passion

Her passion for science and crop physiology brought her to the United States from Iran. In West Tennessee, she works…

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A turtle wears a small prosthetic mask at the tip of its mouth.

Patching up Patches

UTCVM doctors created a 3-D printed prosthetic facial mask for Patches, a female black-breasted leaf turtle at Zoo Knoxville.

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