Championing Children’s Health
UTHSC rheumatologist Terri Finkel successfully advocated for a 'life-changing' law to help Tennessee's smallest residents.

See Spot Run
UTC's David Levine is researching and revolutionizing animal rehabilitation, giving pets a second chance at healthy, active lives after injuries.

Jaw in a Day
A team of UT Health Science Center surgeons successfully performed a milestone facial reconstruction following the removal of a tumor.

UT Institute of Agriculture researchers are working with government, industry and private landowners to restore Eastern grasslands.

From Bench to Bed
Researchers from multiple disciplines across UT Knoxville and the UT Institute of Agriculture help pioneer a new era of precision…

Celebrating 90 years of Innovation
This year the UT Research Foundation celebrates 90 years of pioneering innovation and transforming ideas into impactful products.

Putting out Fires
UT and MTAS research helped reduce Tennessee fire deaths by 26% between 2003 and 2022, improving home safety across the…

Free to Think
Jim Fieser launched the Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy in 1995, now boasting over 900 peer-reviewed articles and 7 million global…

The President’s Mussel
UT President Estabrook’s discovery of a new mussel species in the 1800s highlights the university's legacy of research and scientific…

Founder of the UTK Body Farm
UT Knoxville Professor Emeritus William Bass made history in 1981 by founding the world’s first decomposition research lab, revolutionizing forensic…

Why Research Matters
Research is a human endeavor that tries to answer questions, solve problems and advance our knowledge of ourselves and our…

Women Philanthropists Award Grants
This year, the alliance has approved five projects for a total of $40,854 in support for the 2024-2025 Giving Circle…

Scholl Selected as UT-ORII Executive Director
In April, David Sholl was named the executive director of the University of Tennessee-Oak Ridge Innovation Institute.

Alumnus Returns as UTCVM Dean
UT graduate Paul J. Plummer returns to the university as dean of the College of Veterinary Medicine.

Grow Your Own Awarded $1.8 Million grant
The Tennessee Grow Your Own Center received a $1.8 million grant to enhance the teacher talent development pipeline.

Partnerships for a Greater Tennessee
The College of Emerging and Collaborative Studies meets with industry leaders student employment preparation.

UTC Celebrates MLK Day
UT Chattanooga celebrates MLK Day with daughters of Martin Luther King Jr. and Malcolm X.

Freeman Presides Over First Commencement
Yancy Freeman presided over his first UT Martin commencement ceremonies as chancellor Dec. 9 at the Kathleen and Tom Elam…

UT Promise Access Increases
The University of Tennessee System plans to extend the qualifying income level for UT Promise scholarship recipients to $75,000 from…

Rankings and Recognition
UT Knoxville is ranked among the best colleges in America for affordability and quality by Money Magazine.