Research & Innovation

A small, light-brown dog using a dog wheelchair.

See Spot Run

UTC's David Levine is researching and revolutionizing animal rehabilitation, giving pets a second chance at healthy, active lives after injuries.

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Server stacks lit by red and blue LED lights.

Why Research Matters

Research is a human endeavor that tries to answer questions, solve problems and advance our knowledge of ourselves and our…

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Erkan Kaplanoglu, left, and Juan Pena work on the hand rehabilitation system.

A Gripping Story

Juan Pena found his calling while studying in the UTC mechatronics program.

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From left, UTC Vice Chancellor for Access and Engagement Stacy Lightfoot, Bernice King, Ilyasah Shabazz and UTC Student Government Association President Chamyra Teasley participate in UTC MLK Day 2024.

UTC Celebrates MLK Day

UT Chattanooga celebrates MLK Day with daughters of Martin Luther King Jr. and Malcolm X.

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Sara Marc (UT Chattanooga, '22)

Grad Makes Très Grand Decision

UT Chattanooga graduate Sara Marc was accepted into the Teaching Assistant Program in France (TAPIF) and was also awarded a…

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Representatives from the London Parade office, the city of London and UTC representatives watch footage of the London Parade in the Hayes Concert Hall before presenting the Marching Mocs with its official invitation to participate in the London New Year’s Day Parade.

Marching Mocs Headed to London

The UTC Marching Mocs have been invited to participate in the 2024 London New Year’s Day Parade and Festival.

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Angela Davis Speaks to Full House

Prominent educator, author and lecturer Angela Davis highlighted UT Chattanooga Martin Luther King Day 2023 festivities, speaking to a standing-room-only…

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UTC Professor of Psychology Ralph Hood

Religious Right Down to DNA

UTC professor investigates impact of religion.

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Stacy Lightfoot on the UT Chattanooga campus

UTC Hires Diversity and Engagement Vice Chancellor

Stacy Goodwin Lightfoot has been appointed as the first vice chancellor for diversity and engagement at UTC.

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A Black woman seated in front of a microscope smiles confidently in her research lab

Making Space

A UTC professor buzzes with ways of expanding diversity in the field of ecology.

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Lyn Miles and Chantek

Inducted into International Hall of Fame

UTC professor Lyn Miles has been selected as part of the inaugural group of 10 inductees into the international Interspecies…

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Kaylin Underwood

Allergy App Wins Competition

Senior Kaylin Underwood is developing an app that automatically scans grocery items and tells shoppers whether the item contains an…

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Cooper Thome

Nanoscale Internship

Cooper Thome, a UTC Honors College student, spent the summer in Japan working on an internship in nanotechnology at the…

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John Tucker

Water is Future

Multi-faceted and entangled issues of water quality, environment and now increasingly the law have implications for Tennessee’s future. They certainly…

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Mark Schorr

Quality of Life

Mark Schorr researches stream fish ecology, with an emphasis on water pollution issues and population/community ecology.

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A Sixth Mass Extinction

Thomas Wilson researches the adverse effects of deteriorating water quality and habitat on amphibians and other aquatic life in the…

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headlines clipped

Fake News Becomes A Real Story

A UT Chattanooga researcher studies relationship between fact and perception.

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At UTC's Advanced Vehicle Test Facility, a fuel cell bus takes a turn around the test track.

An Efficient Ride

UTC engineers buses for the future

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Discover, Invent, Change

Discover, Invent, Change

12 inventions at the University of Tennessee that make life better.

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Dream to be a Nurse

Carla Thomas Ramsey approached her nursing education at the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga quietly.

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First year engineering students at the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga build assistive devices for children to improve their daily routines in school and at home.

Tailored Tools

First year engineering students at the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga build assistive devices for children to improve their daily…

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Sweat Equity

Sweat Equity

Calculating your sweat rate could help you keep your cool.

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SimCenter Grows Partnerships

SimCenter Grows Partnerships

UT Chattanooga's computational modeling and simulation unit attracts big-name partners and pumps up the economy.

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