Graduation Rituals, Regalia and Traditions
Caps, gowns, commencement. Where do graduation traditions come from?
Scholarship, Service, and Dreams Fulfilled
I can never truly repay UT Martin for the experiences I have been provided, the relationships made available to me…
Tennessee Family-owned Small Business of the Year
Union City-based Final Flight Outfitters specializes in retailing high-end hunting products and is owned and operated by UT Martin alumni.
Mentoring Innovators of the Future
UT Martin’s Ned Ray McWherter Institute fosters a spirit of innovation among UT Martin students and residents of West Tennessee.
Making an Impact One Letter at a Time
John Sellers has seen the world, and he wants to change it.
Leadership Transition
Dr. Robert Smith has returned to UT Martin as interim chancellor.
Fifty Years in Martin
Chemistry professor S.K. Airee and family dedicated to UT
Alumni in Photos: Fall 2015
Almuni from all UT campuses and institutes pictured all around the country
Civil Rights and LBJ
Featured photo: Katherine Felthauser, a senior music education major at UT Martin, performs during one of two Roots of Rhythm…
What is a Nurse?
Changes in health care help expand opportunities and roles for nurses
What is a Nurse?: UT Nursing Alumni
"There are so many ways you can choose to practice the art of nursing. I think that gets broader every…
What is a Nurse?: UT Nursing Students
UT Nursing students share what led them to choose nursing as a major, career path, and vocation.
Life After Competition
Photo: UT Martin Assistant Professor Dexter Davis, center, helps former Chinese athletes move on to the next phase after competition.…
Kids on Campus
Summertime and Kid College—it’s hard to separate the two at UT Martin. Kid College completed its 30th year in June…
Proud and Personal
With small town charm, UT Martin is big on personal relationships between faculty and students.
Local Favorites with Alumni
We asked alumni to help us choose restaurants to visit in each city.
UT Alumni Association Chapter Awards
As an act of gratitude for the service of UT volunteers, the Alumni Association recognizes its 2013 Alumni Chapter Award…