
A white man in an plaid blazer shakes hands with a group of young, black students.

At UT, Public Service is More Than a Mission

At UT, public service is more than a mission—it's a calling. It is at the heart of what makes us…

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An older man, wearing an orange shirt, stands with five students holding up UT-branded shirts.

“Find Your UT” Tour Inspires Students Across Tennessee

UT System President Randy Boyd concluded the 2024 "Find Your UT" tour, visiting 14 high schools to share opportunities available…

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UT Martin Chancellor Yancy Freeman pauses for a selfie with Jaycee Campbell during the spring 2024 ceremony.

Setting Records

The UT System celebrates record-breaking enrollment figures while peer institutions grapple with fluctuating numbers.

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Jill Joyce assists a student in a pre-algebra class at West Valley Middle School.

Growing Her Dream

UTK alumna Jill Joyce never thought she would be where she is now: seated next to a student, helping him…

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Illustrations of a diverse group of people.

UTAA Recognizes Outstanding Faculty

Each year, the UT Alumni Association recognizes outstanding faculty and staff for their work in three categories.

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Illustration of hands giving hearts and money as representation of giving and donations.

Women Philanthropists Award Grants

This year, the alliance has approved five projects for a total of $40,854 in support for the 2024-2025 Giving Circle…

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UT System President Randy Boyd at an agricultural research and education center.

Growing for Tennessee

Growth is about impact—harnessing the power of education, research and outreach to address our state’s most pressing challenges.

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Grow Your Own Awarded $1.8 Million grant

The Tennessee Grow Your Own Center received a $1.8 million grant to enhance the teacher talent development pipeline.

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Two students walking across campus at UT Martin.

A One-Two Punch

Guaranteed early admissions and an expanded UT Promise qualifying income level help make college more accessible and affordable for Tennesseans.

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UT President Emeritus Joe Johnson. (Photo by Adam Brimer)

Sincerely, Joe

UT President Emeritus Joe Johnson is fondly remembered through his letters.

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UT System President Randy Boyd speaks to high school students on his yearly UT Promise Tour.

A Ladder Up

Listen to this story Education stands as the grand equalizer, providing a ladder up for every individual to reach for…

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Courtney Brown, UT Knoxville '23, speaks to high school students about her personal experiences as a UT Promise scholarship recipient.

Why Scholarships Matter

UT Knoxville graduate Courtney Brown reflects on the opportunities she found through UT Promise.

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UT System President Randy Boyd speaks to high school students on the 2023 UT Promise Tour.

Record Enrollment Celebrated

The UT System saw all-time record enrollment this fall with 58,726 students enrolled in the System's five campuses.

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UT Promise postcard showing a map of all UT campuses across Tennessee.

UT Promise Access Increases

The University of Tennessee System plans to extend the qualifying income level for UT Promise scholarship recipients to $75,000 from…

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State of Tennessee symbol (3 stars) are covered with illustrated tangles.

Untangling a State

At what point does a challenge become too challenging? For the UT System, the answer is never. We’re tackling the…

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Betsy Logan teaches students at Martin Middle School.

Meant to Do

Now more than ever, educators need extra support. At UT Martin, support abounds.

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Deborah Reed works with a student as part of the Tennessee Reading Research Center.

Good Reading

Tennessee’s literacy story needs a happier ending. UT is helping to rewrite one.

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UT President Randy Boyd reads You Can't Buy a Dinosaur with a Dime to children during a Money Week class about financial literacy. Photo By Sam Thomas

UT Tackles Challenges

The UT System, with its statewide presence, people, expertise, resources and influence, is uniquely positioned to tackle grand challenges.

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First Lady Visits UT, Praises ‘Grow Your Own’ Collaboration

First Lady Jill Biden and U.S. Secretary of Education Miguel Cardona visited UT Knoxville in September to recognize Tennessee’s Grow…

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UT Board of Trustees Chairman John Compton and UT President Randy Boyd during the annual meeting. Photo By Sam Thomas

UT Board of Trustees Approves Zero Percent Tuition Increase

The UT Board of Trustees has once again approved an across-the-board, zero percent tuition increase for its campuses across the…

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Faculty Award Winners

Each year the UT Alumni Association recognizes outstanding faculty from each campus.

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Record Enrollment Set

The UT Board of Trustees celebrated new enrollment records during its annual fall meeting.

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Karen Holst, Christoper Almanza, and Bob Kronick gather in a Pond Gap classroom

Second Shift

University-Assisted Community Schools change lives and education.

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