A One-Two Punch
Guaranteed early admissions and an expanded UT Promise qualifying income level help make college more accessible and affordable for Tennesseans.

University High
University High, headquartered at UTC, offers Hamilton Country students enrollment in college-level courses taught by UTC faculty and directly supported…

Serving those Who Serve
UT Knoxville is committed to providing services and resources in order to help our veteran students succeed academically, professionally, and…

The Value of Community Service
Each fall, UT Southern students head “Into the Streets” to give back to Pulaski. Along the way, they learn about…

Focus on 4-H
Christian-Boyer is among the UT Extension agents now able to focus solely on 4-H and Youth Development, thanks to a…

Call Me MiSTER
The Call Me MiSTER program strives to increase the pool of male minority educators to be effective role models.

Wanting More
UTHSC's enrollment programs with partner schools across the country provide increased access to nursing programs for students.

Certified Learning
The Naifeh Center's Tennessee Certified Public Manager program allows graduates to earn graduate school credits.

Enabling Change
UT campuses and institutes have combined forces to improve the lives of rural Tennesseans with developmental disabilities. At UT Southern,…

What Got Them Through
The college journey shapes individuals in ways they may not fully grasp until years later. The campuses within the University…

Margaret Perry Makes History
Margaret Perry served as UT Martin’s sixth chancellor from 1986 to 1997. She was the first woman to serve as…

Why Scholarships Matter
UT Knoxville graduate Courtney Brown reflects on the opportunities she found through UT Promise.

Record Enrollment Celebrated
The UT System saw all-time record enrollment this fall with 58,726 students enrolled in the System's five campuses.

Former Alumni Joins Faculty
Former NFL quarterback and VFL Peyton Manning (Knoxville ’97) was appointed a professor of practice in the College of Communication…

UTC School of Nursing Celebrates $8 Million Gift
UT Chattanooga received an $8 million gift from the Kennedy Foundation to name the UTC School of Nursing the Dorothy…

Students Join Alpha Chi
Twenty-three UT Southern students joined the Tennessee XI Chapter of Alpha Chi National Collegiate Honor Society.

Residence Halls Named for Pioneers
UT Martin named two residence facilities in honor of pioneers Jessie Lou Arnold Pryor and Harold Conner Sr..

UTHSC Dentistry Expands Clinical, Educational Profile in Tennessee
The UTHSC College of Dentistry has established new student clinical rotation sites in Crossville and Knoxville.

Xin Receives Leggacy Maker Award
Hongwei Xin, Dean of UT AgResearch, was recognized at the 2023 Egg Industry Issues Forum with the Leggacy Maker Award…

LEIC to Extend Cultural Competency Training
A program that started on UT’s undergraduate campuses will go nationwide, thanks to a grant the Law Enforcement Innovation Center…