UT Knoxville

Biodiesel Comes Full Circle

Biodiesel Comes Full Circle

When you hear Scott Curran talk about "creating a model for campus sustainability," it's hard not to get caught up…

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Mays Pursues a Workable Fuel Cell

Mays Pursues a Workable Fuel Cell

Jimmy Mays's polymer research has put him on the leading edge of a new clean-energy research initiative.

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Hear and Now

Hear and Now

Research at the University of Tennessee may be sweet music to the ears of millions of hearing-aid users.

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Of Crimes and Clues

Of Crimes and Clues

In a small room off the cottage's entryway, crime-scene investigators study blood spatters on the wall and bloody handprints on…

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There He Blows

There He Blows

Josh Wolcott came to UT to study art. He never dreamed he'd be creating synthetic human bodies to blow up.

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