Grow Your Own Awarded $1.8 Million grant
The Tennessee Grow Your Own Center received a $1.8 million grant to enhance the teacher talent development pipeline.
A One-Two Punch
Guaranteed early admissions and an expanded UT Promise qualifying income level help make college more accessible and affordable for Tennesseans.
Sincerely, Joe
UT President Emeritus Joe Johnson is fondly remembered through his letters.
Enabling Change
UT campuses and institutes have combined forces to improve the lives of rural Tennesseans with developmental disabilities. At UT Southern,…
What Got Them Through
The college journey shapes individuals in ways they may not fully grasp until years later. The campuses within the University…
Why Scholarships Matter
UT Knoxville graduate Courtney Brown reflects on the opportunities she found through UT Promise.
Record Enrollment Celebrated
The UT System saw all-time record enrollment this fall with 58,726 students enrolled in the System's five campuses.
Home Sweet Homes
UT Knoxville resident assistants build habitat homes for 26 years.
Tiny Living
UT Martin professor used tiny house living for his dissertation.
All-Round Education
Tennessee's 4-H Roundup celebrates a century of service.
Finding Home
From Brazil to Tennessee, UT supports international faculty couple.
Occupying Home
UTHSC students use simulated home environments to learn how to assess patient needs in a home setting and care for…
Meeting the Challenge
UT Knoxville alumna runs agency that helps keep families intact.
Five Ways Happy Couples Argue
Happy couples and unhappy couples argue, but what distinguishes the two may not be so much what they argue about…
Commitment Through Contribution
Winbigler’s journey from a scholarship-seeking student to an enthusiastic alumni volunteer speaks to his passion for giving back and the…
UT Promise Access Increases
The University of Tennessee System plans to extend the qualifying income level for UT Promise scholarship recipients to $75,000 from…