UT Chattanooga

Preparing for the Nursing Shortage

Preparing for the Nursing Shortage

No one looks forward to a stay in the hospital. But try to imagine the experience without the assistance of…

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Education Changes Lives

Education Changes Lives

Though their stories are quite different, Kayvon Sadrabadi and Paige Pettit both credit education with altering their lives.

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Ayers, Mears, and Geier

Ayers, Mears, and Geier

Richmond taps Ayers as president, Mears dies in Knoxville, Rita Geier joins university

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How to Succeed in Business

How to Succeed in Business

After exploring business practices in Ireland and Scotland, Jennifer Morrison-Fuller came away with a new understanding of the global market.

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Education Changes Lives

Education Changes Lives

Meet some of the UT graduates whose lives have been dramatically changed by the education they received here.

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Fuels, Funds, and a Solved Mystery

Fuels, Funds, and a Solved Mystery

UT is a leader in the development of alternative fuels, and Dr. Bill Bass has solved the mystery of "The…

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Education in the City

Education in the City

Sean Loftin didn't shake a Magic 8 Ball to be certain of the new direction his career was taking. "Without…

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Davises Integral to UT Chattanooga

Bob and Etta Davis attended games in Chattanooga when "Scrappy" Moore was coach, and their love of sports persisted over…

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Late Night, Now Daily

Late Night, Now Daily

Gina Brown is in the Big Apple, where she happily works as the production coordinator for The Daily Show with…

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Inside the CIA

Inside the CIA

T. J. Waters took a proactive approach to expressing his patriotism. He was selected by the C.I.A. to join the…

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Share Your Stories

Share Your Stories

Education changes lives. For Debbie Ingram, that's not just a catchy slogan but a personal cause.

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Keeping the Lid on in Korea

Keeping the Lid on in Korea

When 4-star general Burwell Bell came to UT to speak, he was--for a time--just "B.B.," a friend, relative, and diehard…

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To Protect and Serve

To Protect and Serve

Jim Hammond is hopeful that the hundreds of cadets he has trained to be Iraqi police officers will make a…

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Fueling Tomorrow

Fueling Tomorrow

Gas-guzzling cars and congested highways -- our transportation culture is ripe for change, but can we hope for anything better?

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