Readers respond to the summer 2013 issue:
I usually read the Tennessee Alumnus from “cover to cover” and usually enjoy reading about the many alumni and their activities.
You hit an all-time low with the article about UT alumna Paula Pell. I should have had an early warning by the headliner on the cover, “The irreverent mind of UT alumna Paula Pell fuels SNL.” Your description of this off-beat lady, maybe a better term would be sadistic and vulgar individual, was pretty profane using the “F” word, “gd,” and then the ridiculous description of the Kotex scenario.
To glorify this low life was a real downer for your usually high-level publication. Just hope we won’t be treated to too many of these off color editions in the future.
— Farris Beasley (Knoxville ’57)
Reading about Paula Pell in your summer 2013 issue made me proud anew to be a UT Knoxville grad. Thanks for a great story, great photos, and for bringing this accomplished funny lady to us.
— B. Andrew (Drew) Plant (Knoxville ’88)
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