Degree in Three

Select academic programs at the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga are offering a guaranteed “Degree in Three” years to students who meet eligibility and continuation requirements.

Degree in Three allows priority registration and guarantees courses for new freshmen who have a 3.0 cumulative high school grade-point average and a 21 ACT score.

“Degree in Three can save a full-time, undergraduate, in-state student approximately $10,000. If a student is willing to attend school in summer sessions and meet the eligibility and continuation requirements, the result will be significant cost savings,” says Phil Oldham, UTC provost and senior academic officer.

Degree in Three students must remain continuously enrolled, and they must follow the prescribed guidelines for course registration. Eligible students must also remain in good academic and disciplinary standing at UTC.

To see the entire listing of majors available, visit:

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