Summer 2023

Daniel McPartland crosses the monkey bars on a ROTC obstacle course.

Training the Next Generation

Army ROTC prepares students at the Knoxville, Chattanooga and Martin campuses to enter the military as second lieutenants, as well…

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UT Knoxville students and military veterans display a banner which reads "Connecting military veterans to UT student services".

Bridges to Higher Education

The transition from serving in the military to pursuing a postsecondary education can be one with which many veterans struggle.…

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Old photo of T Joe Walker, holding guitar, with other soldiers during World War II.

‘I was one of the lucky ones’

Ninety-nine-year-old Army veteran T Joe Walker went from building bridges during World War II to leading mechanical maintenance at UT…

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Uniformed military member stands with daughter on a grassy hill, with US flags waving in the wind.

Military By the Numbers

From offering an in-state tuition rate to students affiliated with the military to creating veteran resource centers, the University of…

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Board members of the Alliance of Women Philanthropists stand for a group photo.

Giving for the Future

For the 2023-24 year, the Alliance of Women Philanthropists’ Giving Circle has distributed grants of more than $41,000 to fund…

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UTM staff standing with Mahmoud Haddad, a UTM professor of finance honored for his commitment to student success.

OVC honors Haddad

Mahmoud Haddad was recognized by the Ohio Valley Conference as the recipient of the Outstanding Faculty Commitment to Student Success…

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