Spring 2022

In this issue, we explore just a small percentage of the research occurring at all of our campuses. From honey to hemp, advanced manufacturing to DNA, UT’s researchers and students work toward finding solutions that could impact Tennessee residents and the world. Along the way, patents lead to potential through entrepreneurship and licenses to existing companies.

It’s in our quest for discoveries that we learn the questions to ask and how to seek the answers. It’s that quest that continues long after students leave the laboratories and embark on careers. And it’s the questions two alumni ask in retirement as they continue to seek answers to help others and their pets. At the University of Tennessee, our quests do not end just because a diploma hangs on a wall or a career height is attained.

The Parthenon in Nashville

TLC Provides Translation for Parthenon Visitors

Parthenon officials strive to make its audio tour accessible to all visitors.

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