Fall 2017

In commemorating the magazine’s 100th anniversary this year, the winter issue’s theme was “Past,” the spring issue’s theme, “Present,” and this, the final issue of 2017, focuses on “Future.” In focusing on the future, we found water rose quickly as a sub-theme as we learned of UT work ensuring water is an ample and safe resource for generations ahead. As one of the professors quoted in this issue says, “One unifying theme of life is (we’re) all tied to water.”

And, as water goes, so goes our future. Faculty researchers across the UT system are working to make sure that future goes well.

William Abrams is shown visiting a sand-dune plain in the United Arab Emirates. He and his research team searched the area for features indicating the possible presence of groundwater in the desert.

Water Is For Fighting Over

William Abrams (Martin ’15) literally is finding water in the desert.

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Pearls of Career Wisdom

The world was your oyster...Or so it seemed when you got that prized piece of paper signifying your graduation from…

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Solar Garden Sculpture Dedication

Ten students in the departments of engineering and visual and theater arts collaborated in designing the Solar Garden, which was…

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