TPGI Graduates Sharpen Their Leadership Skills
55 state employees recently graduated from the Tennessee Government Professionals Institute, an initiative for emerging leaders by the Naifeh Center.

Grow Your Own Awarded $1.8 Million grant
The Tennessee Grow Your Own Center received a $1.8 million grant to enhance the teacher talent development pipeline.

Partnerships for a Greater Tennessee
The College of Emerging and Collaborative Studies meets with industry leaders student employment preparation.

UTC Celebrates MLK Day
UT Chattanooga celebrates MLK Day with daughters of Martin Luther King Jr. and Malcolm X.

Martin continues as Interim Chancellor
UT Southern Interim Chancellor Linda Martin has agreed to extend her leadership role through the 2024-2025 academic year.

Freeman Presides Over First Commencement
Yancy Freeman presided over his first UT Martin commencement ceremonies as chancellor Dec. 9 at the Kathleen and Tom Elam…

UTHSC opens new health Facility
Leaders of the College of Medicine and Shelby County government celebrated the opening of a new community health and wellness…

Outstanding in Their Fields
UTIA faculty, staff, students and alumni are groundbreakers, collaborators, educators and leaders in the agriculture industry.

ELI Kicks off with Orientation Session
The Naifeh Center for Effective Leadership held an orientation session for the fifth cohort of the Executive Leadership Institute.

Record Enrollment Celebrated
The UT System saw all-time record enrollment this fall with 58,726 students enrolled in the System's five campuses.

Former Alumni Joins Faculty
Former NFL quarterback and VFL Peyton Manning (Knoxville ’97) was appointed a professor of practice in the College of Communication…

UTC School of Nursing Celebrates $8 Million Gift
UT Chattanooga received an $8 million gift from the Kennedy Foundation to name the UTC School of Nursing the Dorothy…

Students Join Alpha Chi
Twenty-three UT Southern students joined the Tennessee XI Chapter of Alpha Chi National Collegiate Honor Society.

Residence Halls Named for Pioneers
UT Martin named two residence facilities in honor of pioneers Jessie Lou Arnold Pryor and Harold Conner Sr..

UTHSC Dentistry Expands Clinical, Educational Profile in Tennessee
The UTHSC College of Dentistry has established new student clinical rotation sites in Crossville and Knoxville.

Xin Receives Leggacy Maker Award
Hongwei Xin, Dean of UT AgResearch, was recognized at the 2023 Egg Industry Issues Forum with the Leggacy Maker Award…

LEIC to Extend Cultural Competency Training
A program that started on UT’s undergraduate campuses will go nationwide, thanks to a grant the Law Enforcement Innovation Center…

UT Promise Access Increases
The University of Tennessee System plans to extend the qualifying income level for UT Promise scholarship recipients to $75,000 from…

Rankings and Recognition
UT Knoxville is ranked among the best colleges in America for affordability and quality by Money Magazine.

Grad Makes Très Grand Decision
UT Chattanooga graduate Sara Marc was accepted into the Teaching Assistant Program in France (TAPIF) and was also awarded a…

UTS Hosts First Summer Music Camp
Middle and high school students from Giles County and beyond participated in UT Southern’s first summer music camp in June.

RISE Campaign Surpasses Goal
The RISE fundraising campaign surpassed its goal of $175 million weeks before its planned June 30 end date.

College of Pharmacy Rises to No. 6 in NIH Research Funding
The UTHSC College of Pharmacy is now ranked No. 6 in annual research funding from the National Institutes of Health.