Celebrate Manufacturing Day

The UT Center for Industrial Services joined with manufacturers across the state to celebrate Manufacturing Day 2018. Manufacturing Day celebrates modern manufacturing to inspire the next generation of manufacturers and is always held the first Friday in October.

The center partnered with some of its manufacturing partners in Tennessee to host tours for local high school students. In Parsons, students from both Scott’s Hill and Riverside high schools toured Kolpak Refrigeration, and in Knoxville, students from Hardin Valley Academy toured Local Motors.

Featured photo: Hardin Valley Academy students tour Local Motors as part of Manufacturing Day 2018.

Elected County Officials Gather

Close to 1,000 newly elected county officials attended the UT County Technical Assistance Service’s County Officials Orientation Program (COOP) in Murfreesboro after the August general election.

COOP provides county officials, both newly elected and re-elected, with information to help prepare them to assume office. Topics include county offices and authority, oaths and bonds, personnel issues, ethics, conflicts of interest, open meetings and records.

Clerks of court, county clerks, registers of deeds and trustees met for orientation during the first part of the week. County commissions, county mayors/executives and highway officials met during the second part of the week.

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