Sen. Lee Harris plays ball during a pass contest at UT Day on the Hill in War Memorial Auditorium in Nashville, Tenn.
A collection of future doctors, lawyers, engineers, executives and idea-generators from UT campuses and institutes across the state lined the halls of Legislative Plaza in Nashville on Feb. 17 for UT Day on the Hill.
The 10th annual event served as an opportunity to highlight the university’s statewide impact and value to legislators.
During the day, students visited with legislators and demonstrated some of their UT-taught knowledge with everything from distributing samples of “Vol Cheese” to taking blood pressure readings and sharing personal stories of how the university impacts their lives.
Top Alumni Advocates Gather in Nashville for Annual Advocacy Council Meeting

the Alumni Legislative Council meeting in Franklin, Tenn.
Engaged and involved advocates gathered in Nashville on a chilly Saturday in January for the annual Advocacy Council meeting.
Attendees were briefed on the upcoming legislative session, which promised to be contentious for UT, and given tips on how to help advocate for the university’s position with legislators.
The Advocacy Council was established several years ago and includes members of the UT Alumni Association’s Alumni Legislative Council, students, staff and friends of UT.
Ron Maples Named Interim CFO for UT System
Ron Maples was named interim treasurer and chief financial officer on Jan. 1, following the retirement of longtime UT CFO and treasurer Butch Peccolo.
Maples is a UT graduate (Knoxville ’74) who has been with the university for 39 years, the last five in the treasurer’s office that he now leads.
In addition to his interim duties, Maples also serves on UT President Joe DiPietro’s strategic plan steering committee and has been the university’s primary representative to the Council on Governmental Relations (COGR) since 1990.
Countdown to 100
Tennessee Alumnus 1917-2017
The winter 1994 issue commemorated the 200th anniversary of the founding of the University of Tennessee in 1794—which pre-dates Tennessee statehood by two years. On the cover was an artistic rendering of Old College, the first building on the Hill on the Knoxville campus. Old College, built in 1828, was razed in 1919 to make way for Ayres Hall. Before 1828, the University was located in downtown Knoxville.