Your Voice = Impact

UTIA Extension employees

You can do something about the future of higher education.

The UT Advocacy Network is a force of 3,000-plus faculty, staff, students and alumni from all the campuses with one voice sounding out about the value of public higher education in Tennessee to citizens and elected officials.

More than 3,000 advocates and growing

Standing with the UT Advocacy Network, the UT Alumni Legislative Council has decreased its membership from about 100 to 60 in hopes of heightening engagement within the advocacy network and legislature with in-depth briefings and events. The council is comprised of engaged alumni across the state representing every campus in 10 geographic regions.

29 states are home to advocates

Your voice can impact Tennessee’s future. Become an advocate today!

UT Advocates are in
every Tennessee House and Senate district and every Tennessee congressional district.

Join a network of 3,000 and growing:

Register at
Text ALUMNUS to 52886.
Follow @UTAdvocator on Twitter

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