Tick Diseases

When a tick bite turns to an infection, many people think Lyme disease. But, depending on where you live, the disease may be something else entirely. That’s a finding from a groundbreaking study under way in UTIA’s Center for Wildlife Health. While Lyme disease is common in the Northeast and upper Midwest, tick species in the eastern U.S. collectively carry more than a dozen agents that can cause human disease, says UTIA biologist Graham Hickling. If you are bitten, save the tick in a vial of alcohol for few weeks just in case an illness develops.

Celebrate Summer

Every July, garden enthusiasts head to Jackson for the Institute of Agriculture’s (UTIA) annual Summer Celebration Lawn and Garden Show. Activities include garden talks, grounds tours, exceptional shopping for unique and hard-to-find plants, cooking shows, outdoor art displays and a garden diagnostic center. The celebrating begins July 11 at the West Tennessee AgResearch and Education Center. Find more details at west.tennessee.edu.

Horse Treatment

The UT Veterinary Medical Center’s 60,000-square-foot expansion and renovation of its equine hospital is open and includes the Equine Performance Medicine and Rehabilitation Center, one of the most comprehensive centers for the diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation of horses in the world. The center has a full-sized indoor riding arena, a lameness examination area with multiple surface types to aid diagnosis; a resistance-free walker for controlled, untethered exercise; in-ground, underwater treadmill, and equine cold saltwater spa with hydrotherapy for treatment of laminitis, swelling, inflammation and soreness.

Building Renovations

A new Food Science Building and a renovated Brehm Animal Science Building opened to students, faculty and staff of the Department of Food Science and Technology and the Department of Animal Science in mid-January. Both buildings feature new, state-of-the-art classrooms, labs and student study areas.

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