Old But Good

UT Knoxville’s Ayres Hall and Tyson House may be old, but they’re new to the National Register of Historic Places. Ayres, the Hill’s signature building, was completed in 1921 and recently renovated. Tyson House, at the corner of Melrose Avenue and Volunteer Boulevard, houses alumni and development offices.

Big Heads

Americans have got the big head. UT Knoxville anthropologists studied 1,500 skulls from the mid-1800s through the mid-1980s. The skulls have become about 200 centimeters larger, about the size of a tennis ball. The researchers speculate it could be due to changes such as better nutrition or less physical work.

Particle Proof

UT Knoxville physicist Stefan Spanier was part of the recent discovery of the so-called “God particle” or Higgs boson particle. Spanier worked with the European Center for Nuclear Research to find the missing piece in a physics theory that establishes the building blocks of the universe. “Now we have a concise description on how these building blocks make up a lot of the world around us,” Spanier says. “It’s a very important thing.”

Campus Changes

There’s good news and bad news. The good news is work is under way on the new Student Union. The bad news is the University Center parking garage is no more. But, if you visit campus, you can park in Volunteer Hall garage (accessible at 1545 White Ave. between 16th Street and James Agee Street). Short-term visitor parking also is available at Circle Park, off Volunteer Boulevard.


Percentage of UT Knoxville freshmen with high school GPAs of 4.0 or higher

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