Leadership Training Program Launched for Agriculture and Forestry Industries

Logo badge of the Tennessee Agriculture & Forestry Leadership Program.

It’s time for the Tennessee agriculture and forestry industries to develop new crops of leaders in their field.

The Naifeh Center for Effective Leadership, an agency of the UT Institute for Public Service, along with the UT Institute of Agriculture, the Tennessee Department of Agriculture and other partner agencies have developed the Tennessee Agriculture and Forestry Leadership (TAFL) program. TAFL provides leadership and networking opportunities for farmers, foresters and the agriculture community.

TAFL is an 18-month program that includes travel across the state, an out-of-state industry trip and a visit to Washington, D.C. It connects cohort participants with others in the agriculture and forestry industry, and includes tours of farms, forests and businesses. Participants will attend leadership development sessions to enhance communication, leadership, critical thinking, entrepreneurial and strategic planning skills.

TLC Works with Nashville Public Schools Interpreters

The Metro Nashville Public School System employs a team of interpreters for its students. To offer the best for its students, the school system contracted with the Tennessee Language Center to provide professional development instruction for the interpreters. TLC Interpretation Project Manager Genna Linton led two, six-hour seminars on Interpreter Standards of Practice and Skills.

County Wins Award for Fight Against Opioid Abuse

Jefferson County was awarded Excellence in the Application of the Opioid Litigation Principles by Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health for using the following evidence-based principles in helping guide the effective spending of its settlement dollars:

  • Spend the Money to Save Lives
  • Use Evidence to Guide Spending
  • Invest in Youth Prevention
  • Focus on Racial Equity
  • Develop a Fair and Transparent Process for Deciding Where to Spend the Funding.

Jefferson County established an Advisory Opioid Board composed of content experts and community leaders across various sectors, and formed a partnership with the UT Institute for Public Service SMART initiative in the process of deciding how to spend its funding.

“The recognition of the Jefferson County Opioid Task Force is directly related to all the members of the task force, nonprofits, UT SMART Initiative and the people of Jefferson County,” says Mark Potts, Jefferson County mayor.

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