Naifeh, Baker Centers Host Newly Elected Legislators

Newly elected legislators participated in two and a half days of sessions, which included making the transition from the campaign trail to serving the public and how to work across party lines. They also attended a dinner at Neyland Stadium with UT Interim President Randy Boyd and the Volunteers’ basketball game against Arkansas.


IPS Educates to Keep Emergency Workers Safe

Industry representatives, emergency managers and first responders participated in a workshop to help industries and communities develop effective emergency plans to keep first responders safe. More than 35 participants attended the training hosted by the Center for Industrial Services, the Municipal Technical Advisory Service and the County Technical Assistance Service. This workshop was the first of many planned throughout 2019.

In the morning session, participants learned to determine if they must file an Emergency Planning and Community Right-to- Know Act Tier II report, how to gather and organize the information and how to file accurately. Tier II reports are used by the Tennessee Emergency Management Association, county emergency managers, first responders, local emergency planning committees and others.

The afternoon session discussed the importance of the state management planning details and first responders’ need for accurate and timely Tier II data.


Tennessee Certified Public Manager Graduates First Class

Stakeholders and participants gathered at the Tennessee Old Supreme Court Chamber in early January to celebrate the graduation of the first class of the Tennessee certified public manager program, which was led by the Naifeh Center for Effective Leadership.

Secretary of State Tre Hargett and Herb Byrd, vice president of the UT Institute for Public Service, addressed the graduates and guests. Each graduate walked across the Supreme Court chamber to receive a diploma indicating completion of the program.

The comprehensive management development program prepares managers for careers in federal, state and local government and in other organizations with a public purpose.

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