The UT System and its campuses and institutes debuted new logos and wordmarks in the past several months. The “winged” UT System icon, which depicts the shape of the state of Tennessee with the U and T, has been used as the UT logo since at least the mid-’80s. The UT System has implemented a new wordmark that refreshes the old, using a consistent font and discarding the underlines.

New Development VP
Rickey McCurry is the new vice president for development and alumni affairs and programs, and he also serves as UT Foundation president and CEO. With his start date as May 15, McCurry returns to his home state of Tennessee and Knoxville, where he was associate vice chancellor for development and alumni affairs at UT Knoxville from 1993 to 2000. Most recently, he has been vice president for institutional advancement for Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology in Terre Haute, Indiana, since 2011. He served in a similar role at Southern Illinois University, Carbondale, after leaving UT Knoxville.
Combating Sexual Violence
More than 400 staff members from 78 Tennessee colleges and universities took part in an extensive training summit to address sexual assault and relationship violence. The two-day event in January was hosted by UT, Tennessee Board of Regents and Tennessee Independent Colleges and Universities Association. The Tennessee Coalition to End Domestic and Sexual Violence provided trainers, resources and best practices. One of the speakers was Katie Koestner, executive director of Take Back the Night Foundation and the first survivor of acquaintance rape to speak out nationally.
Countdown to 100: Tennessee Alumnus 1917-2017
FROM THE ARCHIVES: “UT’s Changing Campus” was the cover story of the fall 1965 issue of the magazine. “Dramatic new buildings are planned for all UT campuses at Knoxville, Memphis, Martin, Nashville and Tullahoma as the institution prepares for the approaching rise in enrollments,” proclaims the article. In the same issue, then-President Andy Holt is shown in a photo at Thule Air Base in Greenland meeting two U.S. Army officials and members of the so-called Top of the World UT alumni chapter.