UTAA Needs You

UTAA Needs You

The UT Alumni Association needs your help—and your support.

Almost 175 years ago the UTAA began a tradition of service to the University of Tennessee and its graduates. Today the UTAA serves more than 300,000 former students who have passed through the halls of our campuses.

The UTAA is one of the few major alumni associations that do not require dues for membership. As a result, the UTAA relies on state resources to fund programs and operational expenses and uses private gifts to support such educational initiatives as the alumni scholarship program, faculty awards, and student internships.

But as the number of graduates has increased, the UTAA’s financial resources have failed to keep pace. “Unfortunately, we’ve had to cut programs based on the reduced amount of money coming in,” says UTAA executive director Lofton Stuart Jr. “We’ve been forced to reduce funding for scholarships and expenditures for program content, alumni communications, and events.”

To address the challenges facing the UTAA and to provide the resources needed to fulfill its mission of service, the association is reaching out to alumni and asking them to support the organization that represents them and their alma mater. “For the first time since we disbanded our dues program more than 40 years ago, we’re asking all alumni to make a gift designated specifically to the programs provided by the alumni association,” Stuart says. “This organization has a proud tradition, and we need private support to be able to communicate with and serve our ever-­growing alumni population.”

Beginning this spring, the UT Alumni Association unveils its new Fund for the Future as a gift option for the Annual Fund Campaign. Alumni who support the new fund can be sure their gifts will have wide-reaching impact. Funds generated will first and foremost support the UTAA Scholarship Program, which provides scholarships for students on all UT campuses. The Fund for the Future also will help underwrite such systemwide award programs as the Outstanding Teacher Awards and Distinguished Service Professorships.

“It is our hope that through this effort, we can expand and enhance the programs of the Alumni Association and in turn provide a higher level of meaningful service to our alumni and our campuses,” Stuart said.

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